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TOT Project one.jpg
St. Norbert’s Church was the first church in the area of Dane County. It has always been the focal point of the community and Father Inama Adalbert O.Praem was responsible for its creation. A separate school building was built later on in the…

TOT project two.jpg
This is a plaque near St.Norbert's Church in memory of Father Inama Adalbert. It highlights where he was born, where he traveled to, and when he came to Roxbury, WI. It also tells us that he was the first resident catholoc priest. It tells us all of…

TOT project four.jpg
This is the present day St. Norbert's Church. This church shares several similarities with the church on the St. Norbert campus, Old St. Joseph's. The steeple as well as the brick are very similar to Old St. Joseph's Church in De Pere, Wisconsin. …

TOT project six.jpg
After Reverand Inama retired in 1873. He only had a few years to enjoy his retirement. He died on October 18, 1879, and because he was so important to the history of Dane county and the catholic roots he established there, the community felt he…

TOT project seven.jpg
The St. Norbert House was a log cabin that Father Inama built himself. This, along with several other contributions, prove to what great extent Father Inama went in order to spread the Catholic faith as well as to make sure that his parishioners'…

TOT project twleve.png
In order to overcome several German Catholics in the United States switching faiths to Protestantism as a result of a lack of priests who knew German, Father Inama Adalbert began preaching in Southern Wisconsin, more specifically in the small city of…

Letters one.gif
The following pictures depict Father Inama's travels and thoughts about his travels during his beginning years of missionary work. As noted, he was born in Austria and participated in several missionary travels in Europe and then extended his…

letters two.gif
Before Father Inama made his way to the Midwest he stopped on the coast, in New York as he was making his way from Europe to the center of the states. Father Inama traveled by train as well as postal boat. He conducted missionary work in Albany,…

letters three.gif
Father Inama continues his writing about how crucial it was for him to make the trek overseas in order to preach in the United States. As emphasized earlier, Father Inama asked to come to the United States as a result of a high demand for…

letters four.gif
Father Inama writes about how he traveled using many different modes of transportation, including trains and ships. He states that he only saw four Germans and the rest were Catholics. This observation is interesting to me because the reason why…
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